Tuesday, July 30, 2013

A new performance

Last Thursday, 25th of July, I had the pleasure of creating a one-off performance for body, guitar and voice (project by Alessandra Fabbri) with Alessandra Fabbri and Giacomo Marighelli. At Meridiana, Lido di Spina.
Got to recite in Bulgarian as well (super rare) and really enjoyed collaborating with the artists! Special thanks to the organiser, Alessandra Zerbinati, and for the photos to Daniele Mantovani.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Homemade performance. Performance fatta in Casa

Recently having moved to a beautiful new apartment in the centre of Ferrara with a spacious living room, that's currently a very flexible space given the very little, essential furniture we have. What's the best way to use it? Well, performance of course!

Here's more details, follow us on facebook.

--Scroll down for English textUn piccolo festival di performance presentate nel salotto di casa. Per un breve tempo. Per un piccolo pubblico.Invitiamo autori di live performance interessati a sviluppare nuove idee a contattarci all'indirizzo:performancefattaincasa@gmail.comLe performance saranno presentate di sabato pomeriggio. Durata: massimo 15 minutiPubblico: massimo 15 persone
A small festival of homemade performances, presented in the living room. For a brief period of time. For a small audience.We invite artists who work with live performance, interested to develop new ideas to contact us on:performanceincasa@gmail.comThe performances will be presented on Saturdays in the afternoon.Duration: 15 mins maxAudience: 15 people max

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Very late updates. Late updates. Updates nonetheless.

Long time no write...
This blog started as an artistic diary back in my MA days at Wimbledon College of Art. Back then updates were in real time, or at least almost. Now updates are a bit late, or a little more than just a bit late.
Still, I find it useful to keep track online on what I do. 
So almost a year ago, and that is an update, precisely in October 2012, I took part in a contact improvisation festival in Crete, teaching two mini workshops, developing, with the help of participants, my work on the senses.
Definitely a great place for the senses.

Click here for more info