Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The Institute of Kentish Town

Kentish Town Story Tellers
(an audio archive of stories created by visitors)
Tuesday 14th of December, 13:00-17:00

Concept/Development: Milka Panayotova
Marketing/Design: Blanca Garay and InĂªs Silva

Visitors are invited to write a short story of three things or places they like about Kentish Town and share why they have an impact on them. Their stories get recited by other visitors so that each participant gets to write their own story and read somebody else's for the voice recording. An audio archive of short stories about Kentish Town is created, which will be used for a sound installation within the exhibition space for the duration of the show.
Come and tell us your story!

For more info click here.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Hemline at Somerset House

Recently I danced for a video that was to become part of an interactive installation  at the Somerset House, produced by Jason Bruges Studio (London). The work took inspiration from Loie Fuller and her skirt dances, so I enjoyed moving in a butterfly costume for a day. 
Apart from the fun, the new experience and all the package that comes with new collaborations and meeting new people, I find the piece of subtle elegance and a careful study of light and space. 
You can see it at the Somerset House by the 12th of December.