Monday, May 24, 2010

Organic Self#2 at 3rd CCW Salon

Things are happening so fast these days I haven't been able to update on my plans for my off-site showing. Few days ago I received an email for participation at the 3rd CCW Salon at the Flat Time House. I thought it was a great opportunity to meet new people and show my work outside college, combining this with one of the requirements this last term (presenting work outside school premises).
I had thought about proposing either What you see is what you get? or Organic Self again. I sent in documentation and info on What you see is what you get? and was pleasantly surprised to be invited to perform tomorrow, Tuesday 25th of May. Today I went to see the space, a really nice venue, which despite its clean, white, gallery walls feels quite cosy, probably because of all the small spaces of which it's made up, including a lovely kitchen. It is the former residence of the late artist John Latham.
With Josh's and John's help we tried to find the right spot for my piece, trying to black out one of the spaces. However, it was impossible to get a completely dark space, which is needed for the torch effect and the complete impossibility to see for the audience that it very important at the beginning of the piece. The place is full of light and it gives you a lot of space to breathe, so it was probably wrong to try and black it out anyhow. So I thought it was the perfect venue for the new version of Organic Self. After trying out a few arrangements I was convinced it was the right choice for the space. I am excited about taking this piece one step further!
Join in tomorrow, Tuesday 25th of May
At the Flat Time House
210 Bellenden Road
London SE15 4BW
2-5pm - Tea and open viewing of the works
6-8pm Performances
8-9 closing drinks

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